
Are you ready for it?

Creative success is:
* The expression of your soul’s purpose
* With sufficient craft
* To resonate 
* With a paying audience

It’s that simple. Of course, you might want to break it down further.

What is the expression of your soul’s purpose?

If you’re a creator of art in any form, then your soul’s purpose may be to communicate your unique authentic truth to others, for the purpose of feeling heard and giving voice to the experiences of the audience. In doing so, you improve not only the quality of your own life, but the quality of life for others.

What is sufficient craft?

Let’s start with craft, which is the application of a trade skill (i.e. your creative form). To have a trade skill implies a learning process and ongoing devotion to improving tools, processes, and knowledge of the market.

Sufficient craft, then, means you’ve put in the work (and are still putting in the work) to grow. It doesn’t happen in isolation. It requires connecting with a community of peers, mentors, and role models, along with a willingness practice in public and independently study what’s happening in the marketplace.

What does it mean to resonate?

Resonance is defined as a ‘common vibration’ between two objects. In this case, we’re talking about the creation and the audience. Something you’ve created is connecting in a deep and meaningful way with people in your target market.

With a paying audience…

And lastly…none of this pays the bills unless the audience pays for the pleasure and privilege of consuming or admiring your work. More could be said, but suffice it to say, because you’re investing in craft, practicing in public, and studying the market, you’re going to figure out where the paying audiences lives during the course of your creative journey.

How did this explanation resonate with you? I’d love to hear your feedback.