
It’s Monday. Go, go, go!

That’s what my inner voice said to me early this morning, after I made the mistake of looking at my cell phone before breakfast. 

Check the email. Open Messenger. All the messages demanding immediate attention. Or so I felt in the moment. Just add it all to the todo list for the day. And, oh yeah, I really need to finish that proofreading job for my client… 

When I saw my wife similarly already in go mode, I felt that stress bubbling over. It was time to pause and put a voice to it. “I’m struggling to find center.” I was able to process that out loud, and in doing so was able to begin the process of releasing it. 

I knew the remedy today was going to be listening to the voice inside telling me to “slow down.” 

Before we ran off to do, do, do our lists of things, we were able to enjoy a quiet walk around the block. As I drove into town, I made sure to avoid listening to anything that might add to my “todo” list. And, as I sat down to work, I made a point of spending 5 minutes to build a quick prioritized “focus” list. 

By having that list in front of me as I worked, I was able to resist the powerful urge to “try to do it all at once.” Those notifications, though—they seriously need to go from my life. My technology is fighting my ability to be deliberate and focus. 

After a solid block of work, my body was telling me again to “slow down.” 

I answered the call with a walk across town, which took about an hour. I brought just enough with me, that I could get one todo done at the end of that walk. Then, I had to take another hour to walk back. 

And now, here I am, at the conclusion of that return trip. Listening to my body and my spirit. Making the space for self-compassion in between moments of work. 

If I weren’t self-employed, I wouldn’t have these luxuries. Sure, the flip side is the temptation to always be working. But, I don’t know any other boss that would grant me the space and time it really takes to be whole and integrated in-between tasks.