
Laying in a hospital bed after a near-death experience in 2012, Michael La Ronn decided it was time to open himself up to the beautiful vision of making an impact by writing and publishing books. 

He’s since published over 50 fiction and non-fiction titles, enjoying the process enough to describe writing as “the most sacred prayer.” 

His driving goal has evolved in the past year, from the quest for creative freedom and self-expression, to answering a more strategic question: How to remain relevant as a  writer for the next 5, 10, 25 years? 

What’s the answer? Let’s find out. 

About The Fearless Storyteller:

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Intro Song: “Unlimited Love” (instrumental version) by Ethan Freckleton & Lucas Clebsch

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Learn how to be a writing machine – AuthorLevelUp.com/Machine.

Or check out AuthorLevelUp.com/150 to get Michael’s newest resource for aspiring authors.