
Courtney Kenney is a science fiction author and non-fiction book launch expert. 

With fifteen books under her belt, one might not expect to hear that today’s guest spent several years disconnected from her creativity or even reading for joy. 

But when Courtney was laid off in 2015, it was a wake-up call. She realized she was burned out and it was time to do something more enjoyable with her life. 

Leveraging her project management skills, she started a successful book launch business and began writing non-fiction books. Just two years later, she’d also found the courage to start writing novels.

To learn more about Courtney’s unique journey, setting creative habits, and adopting a learning mindset, be sure to listen to today’s episode of The Fearless Storyteller podcast. 

About The Fearless Storyteller:

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Intro Song: “Unlimited Love” (instrumental version) by Ethan Freckleton & Lucas Clebsch

To learn more about Courtney Kenney’s non-fiction work, visit projectmanagerwriter.com.

For her fiction, visit cameroncoral.com.